Fakultas Industri Kreatif – Telkom University Kampus Bandung

Welcome to

School of Creative Industries
Telkom University

Dr. Roro Retno Wulan, S.Sos., M.Pd

Welcome to the School of Creative Industries, Telkom University

As the best school in Indonesia, the School of creative industries provides education based on the arts, design and technology. All study programs at the School of Creative Industries provide education to produce graduates who have good mastery of theory and expertise. Graduates of the Creative Industry school are directed to be able to master Information technology, Nusantara culture as local wisdom and be able to develop themselves into

Video Profile Fakultas Industri Kreatif Telkom University

Study Programs at the School of Creative Industries

The School of Creative Industries (FIK) at Telkom University offers 7 outstanding and comprehensive study programs in the creative field:

Visual Communication Design

Bandung Campus

Gelar : Sarjana Desain (S.Ds.)

Interior Design

Bandung Campus

Gelar : Sarjana Desain (S.Ds.)

Product Design

Bandung Campus

Gelar : Sarjana Desain (S.Ds.)

Craft Textile and Fashion

Bandung Campus

Gelar : Sarjana Seni (S.Sn.)

Visual Art

Bandung Campus

Gelar : Sarjana Seni (S.Sn.)

Magister Design

Bandung Campus

Gelar : Magister Desain (M.Ds.)

Film and Animation

Bandung Campus

Gelar : Sarjana Seni (S.Sn.)

Visual Communication Design

Jakarta Campus

Gelar : Sarjana Desain (S.Ds.)

Visual Communication Design

Purwokerto Campus

Gelar : Sarjana Desain (S.Ds.)

Product Design

Purwokerto Campus

Gelar : Sarjana Desain (S.Ds.)

School Facts

Facts & Statistics of the School of Creative Industries

The School of Creative Industries is supported by 30 Academic Support Staff (TPA) and 174 Lecturers. The lecturers of FIK are divided into 3 Research Group: Humagi (Human, Media & Technology), Aectiva (Aesthetic, Culture & Conservation), and Envisco (Environment, Sustainability & Community). The School of Creative Industries also has 3 Centers of Excellence (CoE), which are CoE Design Project & Consultancy (HASTALOKA), CoE Digital Asset & Craftsmanship (CIPTALOKA), and CoE Professional Development & Competencies (KARSALOKA). Additionally, the School of Creative Industries offers study programs at branch campuses, including DKV programs in Jakarta, and Product Design & DKV programs in Purwokerto.

Research Group
Study Programs

Research & Publication

Research & Publications by Lecturers

Partnerships and Collaborations

Alumni Testimonials

Bergabung Bersama Kami

Campus Tour

School of Creative Industries

Explore the School of Creative Industries at Telkom University through virtual 3D animation.

Idealoka Gallery

Explore various exhibitions held by Idealoka Gallery at Telkom University virtually.