Fakultas Industri Kreatif – Telkom University Kampus Bandung

Dosen dan Kelompok Keahlian Fakultas Industri Kreatif

Mengacu pada Visi Universitas Telkom untuk menjadi Research and Entrepreneurial University pada tahun 2023, maka dilakukan pembaharuan terhadap keanggotaan Kelompok Keahlian di Fakultas Industri Kreatif. Kelompok keahlian adalah kelompok fungsional dosen Universitas Telkom untuk melakukan penelitian disiplin ilmu dan keahlian yang masuk kedalam unit tunggal di fakultas. Kelompok keahlian yang ada di Fakultas Industri Kreatif (FIK) terbagi menjadi 3 (tiga) kelompok, Yaitu Aesthetic, Culture and Conservation (AECTIVA), Environment, Sustainability and Community (ENVISCO), dan Human, Media and Technology (HUMAGY)

Adapun daftar nama dosen yang tergabung kedalam 3 Kelompok Keahlian tersebut antara lain adalah sebagai berikut.

Dr. Santi Salayanti,  S.Sn., M.Sn 

Kepala Kelompok Keahlian Aesthetic, Culture and Conservation (AECTIVA)

Daftar Dosen Kelompok Keahlian Aectiva

No Nama Dosen Kode Dosen NIP Prodi Bidang Kajian
1 Dr. Santi Salayanti,  S.Sn., M.Sn SNT 15770006 DI Cultural Studies in Art & Design
2 Ilhamsyah, S.Sn., M.Ds. ILA 14770037 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
3 Sri Maharani Budi, S.Ds., M.Advtg. SHB 22900022 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
4 Diani Apsari, S.Ds, M.Ds. ASR 23880012 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
5 Dimas Krisna Aditya, S.IP.,M.Sn. DKA 23780004 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
6 Patra Aditia, S.Ds., M.Ds. PAT 23800004 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
7 Rendy Pandita Bastari, S.Ds., M.Sn. RPB 22890011 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
8 Siti Deshinta, S.Sn., M.Sn. SDE 15770069 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
9 Syarip Hidayat, S.Sn., M.Sn. SPH 15820055 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
10 Muhammad Hidayattuloh, S.Sn., M.Sn. HDL 17830071 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
11 Aisyi Syafikarani, ST., M.Ds. ISI 22930021 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
12 Mohamad Tohir, Drs., S.ST., M.Ds MOT 14650011 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
13 Idhar Resmadi, S.I.Kom., M.T. REI 22850006 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
14 Sri Nurbani, S.Pd., M.Hum SNB 19820009 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
15 Yelly Andriani Barlian, S.S., M.Pd. YEL 17770082 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
16 Wibisono Tegar Guna Putra, S.E., M.A. WTP 23870014 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
17 Dicky Hidayat, S.Sn., M.Ds DCK 12690031 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
18 Novian Denny Nugraha, S.Sn., M.Sn. DEY 15660042 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
19 Yosa Fiandra, S.Sn., M.Sn. YSA 22720002 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
20 Dyah Ayu Wiwid Sintowoko, S.Sn., M.A. DYK 23930025 SR Cultural Studies in Art & Design
21 Dr. Ranti Rachmawanti, M.Hum. RCW 23840004 SR Cultural Studies in Art & Design
22 Dr. Soni Sadono, S.Sos., M.T., M.Hum. SDO 13660045 SR Cultural Studies in Art & Design
23 Adrian Permana Zen, S.Ds., M.A. APZ 23900017 SR Cultural Studies in Art & Design
24 Anggar Erdhina Adi, S.Sn., M.Ds. AEI 17830068 FA Cultural Studies in Art & Design
25 Lingga Agung, S.I.Kom, M.Sn. LAG 20870001 FA Cultural Studies in Art & Design
26 Muchammad Zaenal Al Ansory, S.Sn., M.Sn. MZO 23880003 FA Cultural Studies in Art & Design
27 Astiti Ramdani Elmanisa. S.Ds., M.Sn. REM 24900011 DKV Cultural Studies in Art & Design
28 Dr. Drs. Riksa Belasunda, S.ST., M.Ds RBS 14630009 S2 Art & Design Methodology
29 Muhammad Iskandar, S.Sn., M.Sn. MID 16750008 DKV Art & Design Methodology
30 Rexha Septine Faril Nanda, S.Ds., M.Ds. RXD 23960022 DI Art & Design Methodology
31 Niken Laksitarini, S.Ds., M.Ds. LKS 24800003 DI Art & Design Methodology
32 Tiara Larissa S.Ds., M.Ds. TLS 23950014 KTF Art & Design Methodology
33 Iqbal Prabawa Wiguna S.Sn.,M.Sn. IQB 17840106 SR Art & Design Methodology
34 Cucu Retno Yuningsih, S.Sn., M.Pd. CRY 22800006 SR Art & Design Methodology
35 Vega Giri Rohadiat, S.Sn., M.Sn. VGA 23890006 SR Art & Design Methodology
36 Firdaus Azwar Ersyad, S.Sn., M.Sn. IDZ 23880004 SR Art & Design Methodology
37 Sonson Nurusholih, S.Sn., M.Sn. SON 17740073 DKV History and Theory of Art and Design
38 Aris Rahmansyah,S.Sn., M.Ds. ARR 14770015 DKV History and Theory of Art and Design
39 Dr. Samsul Alam, S.Pd., M.Pd. SMU 23830006 DKV History and Theory of Art and Design
40 Tita Cardiah, ST., MT. TIT 15730057 DI History and Theory of Art and Design
41 Aida Andrianawati, S.T., M.Sn AIB 20730002 DI History and Theory of Art and Design
42 Aditya Bayu Perdana, S.Ars., M.Ars BYD 23970002 DI History and Theory of Art and Design
43 Ratri Wulandari, ST., MT. RWD 15830006 DI History and Theory of Art and Design
44 Donny Trihanondo, S.Ds., M.Ds DYT 10840063 DI History and Theory of Art and Design
45 Axel Ramadhan Ridzky, S.Sn., M.Sn. AXL 24940009 SR History and Theory of Art and Design
46 Dr. Mohammad Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata, S.Sn., M.Sn. MIP 17770081 S2 Nusantara Art & Culture Revitalisation
47 I Dewa Alit Dwija P, S.Sn., M.Sn., Ph.D. IDJ 12720037 DKV Nusantara Art & Culture Revitalisation
48 Putu Raka Setya Putra, S.Ds., M.Ds. PRP 23940001 DKV Nusantara Art & Culture Revitalisation
49 Titihan Sarihati, S.Sn., M.Sn. TTH 15730015 DI Nusantara Art & Culture Revitalisation
50 Ahmad Riyadi Swandhani, S.Ds., M.Ds. MRE 24980004 DP Nusantara Art & Culture Revitalisation
51 Dr. Fajar Ciptandi, S.Ds., M.Ds FJC 14860096 S2 Tradition based Product
52 Bambang Melga M.Sn. BMA 23770001 DKV Tradition based Product
53 Yayat Sudaryat, S. Sn., M.Sn. YAS 20720001 DKV Tradition based Product
54 Drs. Asep Kadarisman, M. Sn. AKR 19660002 DKV Tradition based Product
55 Dr. Muchlis, S.Sn., M.Ds MLS 16740011 DP Tradition based Product
56 Nur Sabariah, S.Ds., M.Ds. SNB 19930023 DP Tradition based Product
57 Ahda Yunia Sekar Fardhani, S.Sn., M.Sn. YNK 23930024 KTF Tradition based Product
58 Sari Yuningsih, S.Pd. M.Ds. SRU 22840004 KTF Tradition based Product
59 Morinta Rosandini, S.Ds., M.Ds. MRO 14860089 KTF Tradition based Product

Riky Azharyandi Siswanto, S.Ds., M.Des., Ph.D. 

Kepala Kelompok Keahlian Environment, Sustainability and Community (ENVISCO)

Daftar Dosen Kelompok Keahlian Envisco

No Nama Dosen Kode Dosen NIP Prodi Bidang Kajian
1 Riky Azharyandi Siswanto, S.Ds., M.Des., Ph.D. RAS 14870051 DKV Social Design
2 Dr. Paku Kusuma, S.Sn., M.Sn. PKO 14790026 DKV Social Design
3 Dr. Runik Machfiroh, S.Pd., M.Pd KCH 13870042 DKV Social Design
4 Lira Anindita Utami, S.Ds., M.Phil., Ph.D. LDU 23880001 DKV Social Design
5 Dr. Djoko Murdowo, MBA DJD 22570005 DI Social Design
6 Hanif Azhar, S.T., M.Sc. NIF 22890007 DP Social Design
7 Asep Sufyan Muhakik A.,  S.Ds., M.Sn. AFM 15860042 DP Social Design
8 Siti Hajar Komariah, S.Pd., M.M. SHK 20830014 DKV Social Design
9 R. Bhima Danniswara, S.Sn., M.Ds. BMS 20940037 DKV-JKT Social Design
10 Fajar Sadika, S.Ds., M.Sn FSS 15850053 DP Social Design
11 Mohd Ridho Kurniawan, S.Ds.,M.Ds ROK 24980005 DI SocialDesign
12 Rizka Rachmawati, S.Ds., MAB. RCI 14890047 DKV-JKT Environment Art and Design
13 Setiamurti Rahardjo, ST., MT SRH 15830050 DI Environment Art and Design
14 Togar Mulya Raja, S.Ds., M.Ds. TMR 20840001 DI Environment Art and Design
15 Ariesa Farida, ST., M.Arch. IES 23870013 DI Environment Art and Design
16 Irwan Sudarisman, ST., MT., Ph.D. IRS 14820073 DI Environment Art and Design
17 Vika Haristianti, S.Ds., M.T. VKA 20910029 DI Environment Art and Design
18 Widyanesti Liritantri, S.Sn., M.Des. WIE 23790005 DI Environment Art and Design
19 Ganesha Puspa Nabila, S.Ds., M.Ds. GNE 20940012 DI Environment Art and Design
20 Aulia Ibrahim Yeru, S.Ds., M.Sn. AIY 15880050 SR Environment Art and Design
21 Erlana Adli Wismoyo, S.Sn., M.Ds. EAW 22900015 DI Environment Art and Design
22 Reza Hambali Wilman Abdulhadi, ST., MA. RZH 20830003 DI Furniture Design and Element of Interior
23 Rangga Firmansyah, S.Sn., M.Sc., Ph.D. RGF 14810019 DI Furniture Design and Element of Interior
24 Oky Setiawan, S.Ds., M.Ds. OKS 24930001 DP Furniture Design and Element of Interior
25 Mahendra Nur Hadiansyah, ST., M.Ds. MHU 19860001 DI Furniture Design and Element of Interior
26 Teddy Ageng Maulana, S.Sn., M.Sn. TDA 22730003 DI Furniture Design and Element of Interior
27 Ahmad Nur Sheha Gunawan, ST., MT NSH 14810025 DI Material Innovation in Art & Design
28 Gina Shobiro Takao S.Sn., M.Ds. GKO 22940037 KTF Material Innovation in Sustainable Fashion
29 Liandra Khansa Utami Putri, S.Sn., M.Ds. LKU 22950031 KTF Material Innovation in Sustainable Fashion
30 Aldi Hendrawan, S.Ds., M.Ds. AHN 14850044 KTF Material Innovation in Sustainable Fashion
31 M. Sigit Ramadhan, S.Pd., M.Sn. SGK 20840006 KTF Material Innovation in Sustainable Fashion
32 Marissa Cory Agustina Siagian, S.Ds, M.Sn. MRC 20860018 KTF Material Innovation in Sustainable Fashion
33 Faradillah Nursari, B.Des., M.Ds. FDI 15880043 KTF Material Innovation in Sustainable Fashion
34 Dr. Arini Arumsari,  S.Ds., M.Ds. ARA 14850026 KTF Material Innovation in Sustainable Fashion
35 Jeng Oetari, S.Sn., M.Ds. JEN 23980019 KTF Material Innovation in Sustainable Fashion
36 Shella Wardhani Putri, S.Sn., M.Ds. SWP 24990020 KTF Material Innovation in Sustainable Fashion
37 Dea Aulia Widyaevan, ST., M.Sn. DEU 15870063 DI Spatial Art & Design
38 Irwana Zulfia Budiono, ST., M.Eng. IZB 20910016 DI Spatial Art & Design
39 Hana Faza Surya Rusyda, ST., M.Ars. HFS 22950026 DI Spatial Art & Design
40 Hendi Anwar, ST., MT. HEW 19850002 DI Spatial Art & Design
41 Kiki Putri Amelia, S.T., M.Ds. KIP 23910012 DI Spatial Art & Design
42 Fernando Septony S, S.T., M.T., IAI FSG 23850003 DI Spatial Art & Design
43 Imtihan Hanom, S.Sn., M.Ds. IHM 15870084 DI Spatial Art & Design
44 Arnanti Primiana Yuniati, S.Ds., M.Ds. PMY 19930020 DI Sustainable Art & Design
45 Terbit Setya Pambudi, ST., M.Ds. TRB 15870010 DP Sustainable Art & Design
46 Agustinus Nur Arief Hapsoro, S.T., M.T. HPS 22860003 DI Sustainable Art & Design
47 Teuku Zulkarnain Muttaqin, S.Sn., M.Sn. TZM 20800007 DP Sustainable Art & Design

Dr. Andreas Rio Adriyanto, SE., M.Eng

Kepala Kelompok Keahlian Human, Media and Technology (HUMAGY)

Daftar Dosen Kelompok Keahlian Humagy

No Nama Dosen Kode Dosen NIP Prodi Bidang Kajian
1 Dr. Andreas Rio Adriyanto, SE., M.Eng AEY 14740021 DKV ⁠Interaction Design
2 Aria Ar Razi, S.Ds., M.Ds. IAZ 24910003 DKV ⁠Interaction Design
3 Ananda Risya Triani, S.Ds., M.Ds. TII 20890005 DKV ⁠Interaction Design
4 Sri Soedewi, S.Sn., M.Sn. REE 22840005 DKV ⁠Interaction Design
5 Mario, S.Ds., M.Ds. YMR 23929017 DKV ⁠Interaction Design
6 Rully Sumarlin, S.IP., M.Ds. RUY 22770003 DKV ⁠Interaction Design
7 Irfan Dwi Rahadianto, S.Ds., M.Ds. IFO 23940022 DKV ⁠Interaction Design
8 Muhammad Adharamadinka, S.Ds., M.Ds. NKA 23960021 DKV ⁠Interaction Design
9 Siwi Anjar Sari, S.Sn., M.Ds SWR 24000008 DKV ⁠Interaction Design
10 Akhmadi, ST., M.Ds. KMI 22930022 DI ⁠Interaction Design
11 Athifa Sri Ismiranti, S.Ds., M.Arch. THI 22940036 DI ⁠Interaction Design
12 Chris Chalik, S.Ds., M.Sn. CRH 23870012 DP ⁠Interaction Design
13 Dr. Maria Josef Retno Budi Wahyuni. M.Ds MNO 25790001 DKV ⁠Interaction Design
14 Wiedy Nadya Putri, S.Ds., M.Ds. WNP 24950018 DKV ⁠Interaction Design
15 Yanuar Rahman, S.Ds.,M.Ds. YAM 14840005 DKV ⁠Digital Visual Storytelling
16 I Gusti Agung Rangga Lawe, S.Ds., M.Ds. IGL 23930021 DKV ⁠Digital Visual Storytelling
17 Irfan Azhari, S.Sn., M.Ds. IRF 24990019 DKV ⁠Digital Visual Storytelling
18 Raden Daru Ramadinoto, S.I.Kom., M.Ds. RDM 24930015 DKV ⁠Digital Visual Storytelling
19 Satria Budiana Tresna, S.Ds., M.Ds. SBE 24960013 FA ⁠Digital Visual Storytelling
20 Wirania Swasty, S.Ds., M.AB., Ph.D. WRS 14810008 S2 Desain ⁠Element of Visual Branding
21 Arry Mustikawan, SE, M.Ds AMN 16770004 DKV ⁠Element of Visual Branding
22 Fariha Eridani Naufalina, S.Ds., M.Ds. FNL 22920018 DKV ⁠Element of Visual Branding
23 Rahmiati Aulia, S.Sn., M.M. UIA 22880009 DKV ⁠Element of Visual Branding
24 Intan Kusuma Ayu, S.Ds., M.Ds. INU 23970016 DKV ⁠Element of Visual Branding
25 Nisa Eka Nastiti, S.Ds., M. I.Kom. NEK 23930023 DKV ⁠Element of Visual Branding
26 Rizki Yantami Arumsari, S.Ds., M.M. YMI 16900045 DKV ⁠Element of Visual Branding
27 Bijaksana Prabawa, S.Ds., MM BPR 14800004 DKV ⁠Element of Visual Branding
28 Diena Yudiarti, S.Ds., M.S.M. YDT 19850010 DKV ⁠Element of Visual Branding
29 Wahyu Lukito, S.Ds., M.Ds. WLO 23900022 DKV ⁠Element of Visual Branding
30 Tri Haryotedjo, Drs., M.Ds. TRI 19660003 DI Human Centric Design
31 Fajarsani Retno Palupi, S.Ds., M.Ds FSP 14870002 DI Human Centric Design
32 Desthyo Putra Pangestu, S.Ds.,M.Ds THU 24960012 DI Human Centric Design
33 Dandi Yunidar,  S.Sn., M.Ds., Ph.D DYR 14760039 DP Human Centric Design
34 Yanuar Herlambang, S.Sn., M.Ds. YHL 17810066 DP Human Centric Design
35 Yoga Pujiraharjo,  S.Sn., M.Sn. YPO 20740004 DP Human Centric Design
36 Andrianto, S.Sn., M.Ds. NRO 22870004 DP Human Centric Design
37 Sheila Andita Putri, S.Ds., M.Ds. SEI 20910006 DP Human Centric Design
38 Hardy Adiluhung, S.Sn., M.Sn DIL 20800001 DP Human Centric Design
39 Raisya Rahmaniar Hidayat S.Sn., M.Arch. RRH 25950002 DI ⁠Interaction Design
40 Gema Ari Prahara, S.Sn., M.Ds. GAH 22750001 DKV Media & Technology
41 Atria Nuraini Fadilla, S.Ds., M.Ds. TLA 15870015 DKV Media & Technology
42 Nina Nursetia Ningrum, S.Pd., M.Pd. NSG 20930052 DKV Media & Technology
43 Arief Budiman, S.Sn., M.Sn. BIN 20840003 DKV Media & Technology
44 Tiara Radinska Deanda, S.Sn., M.Ds. TDE 23950038 DKV Media & Technology
45 Taufiq Wahab, S.Sn., M.Sn. TWA 22750004 DKV Media & Technology
46 Ligar Muthmainnah, S.Ds., M.Ds. LGM 23950003 DKV Media & Technology
47 Adya Mulya Prajana, S.Ds., M.Ds. AMJ 23789018 DKV Media & Technology
48 Ardy Aprilian Anwar, S.Pd., M.Sn. AWR 22880013 DKV Media & Technology
49 Zaini Ramdhan, S.Sn., M.Sn. ZRA 19750001 DKV Media & Technology
50 Olivine Alifaprilina Supriadi, M.Ds. OVI 22940020 DKV Media & Technology
51 Muhammad Yudhi Rezaldi, S.Ds., M.Ds., Ph.D. YDZ 22790004 DKV Media & Technology
52 Trimalda Nur Fitriati, S.Sn., M.Ds. TMF 21920018 DKV Media & Technology
53 Doddy Friestya Asharsinyo, ST., MT DOD 14780067 DI Media & Technology
54 Dr. Ully Irma Maulina Hanafiah,  ST., MT UIM 14770016 DI Media & Technology
55 Nurul Fitriana Bahri, S.Ds., M.Ds NSB 22950041 DP Media & Technology
56 Martiyadi Nurhidayat, S.Pd., M.Sn. MTU 20910002 DP Media & Technology
57 Alvian Fajar, S.Ds., M.Ds. AVS 23900021 DP Media & Technology
58 Ica Ramawisari, ST., MT. CRM 15870029 DP Media & Technology
59 Widia Nur Utami Bastaman, S.Ds., M.Ds. WNU 14880077 KTF Media & Technology
60 Rima Febriani, S.I.Kom., MBA. RFB 20880014 KTF Media & Technology
61 Citra Puspitasari, S.Ds., M.Ds. CIT 14850088 KTF Media & Technology
62 Riky Taufik Afif, S.Pd., M.Pd. TFI 23900015 DKV Media & Technology
63 Pebriyanto, S.Ds.,M.Ds PEB 24930002 FA Media & Technology
64 Bintang Nugraha, S.Ds., M.Ds. BNG 25010006 DP Media & Technology
65 Dr. Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen, M.Sn. DTW 22570001 S2 Desain Visual Advertising Media
66 Dr. Ira Wirasari, S.Sos., M.Ds IRW 14810009 S2 Desain Visual Advertising Media
67 Iman Sumargono, S.Sn., M.Sn. ISO 17760055 DKV Visual Advertising Media
68 Jiwa Utama, S.Ds., M.Ds. JWU 16840090 DKV Visual Advertising Media
69 Apsari Wiba Pamela, S.Ds., M.Ds. APL 24920006 DKV Visual Advertising Media
70 Gagas Ezhar Rahmayadi, S.Sn., M.Ds. GGZ 20900040 DKV Visual Advertising Media
71 Reza Ramadani Firman, S.Ds.., M.Ds. RZG 20940033 DKV Visual Advertising Media

Kelompok Keahlian

(Research Group)

Mengacu pada Visi Universitas Telkom untuk menjadi Research and Entrepreneurial University pada tahun 2023, maka dilakukan pembaharuan terhadap keanggotaan Kelompok Keahlian di Fakultas Industri Kreatif. 

Kelompok keahlian adalah kelompok fungsional dosen Universitas Telkom untuk melakukan penelitian disiplin ilmu dan keahlian yang masuk kedalam unit tunggal di fakultas. Kelompok keahlian yang ada di Fakultas Industri Kreatif (FIK) terbagi menjadi 3 (tiga) kelompok

Adapun daftar nama dosen yang tergabung kedalam 3 Kelompok Keahlian tersebut antara lain adalah sebagai berikut.